What's Your Sign?

Unleash your cosmic style at The Zodiac Crew! Choose your sign, pair it with your favorite color t-shirt, and let your style shine with your dope ass! Get ready to own the streets with celestial confidence. Stop playin’ and join The Crew!

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  • Astrology

    At The Zodiac Crew, we celebrate the very essence of who you are, starting from the root — the day you were born. We believe in the enchanting power that lies within you, and we're here to unleash that magic! We believe in the magic of you!

  • Apparel

    Ignite your style and embrace your season with pride! Discover the perfect pairing for your favorite bottoms at The Zodiac Crew.

    Grab yours 
  • Attitude

    What's life with no attitude? We embrace the bold, the fierce, and the vibrant. Say goodbye to the lame and hello to LIT!